Monday, March 4, 2013


One of the greatest tricks capitalism has pulled is getting the workers to think like owners, to behave as if they own whatever good or service is being offered and to act accordingly.

Shack, the brutal train conductor in EMPEROR OF THE NORTH (played with maximum hateful intensity by Ernest Borgnine) not only refuses to allow any bum to ride on his train but also makes sure that those he catches are either killed or maimed for this violation.  Considering that this film takes place during the Great Depression, there are many hobos who got around America this way.

Shack, aside from bursting with dynamic evil from every pore, has also been imbued with the false feeling that the train he is in charge of for periods of time is his.  It’s the same mentality a guard dog has once it’s been trained to attack intruders.

A-1, the legendary top hobo (played as a laid back cool alpha dog by Lee Marvin) who challenges Shack, represents perhaps the older America, the we are all in this together America.  Cigarette (Keith Carradine) the young hobo who tags behind him and proves himself to an untrustworthy companion represents the dog eat dog stab you in the back newer America.

EMPEROR, apart from analysis, is a great thrilling film with awesome cinematography (great locations, great train action sequences) riffs on honor and integrity and Borgnine vs Marvin ,two acting heavyweights, at the top of their abilities as well as Carradine holding his own.    


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