Sunday, February 24, 2013


The difference between how American films portray Nazism and fascism and how European films do is perhaps a difference based on distance.  For the US, the Nazis were cold-blooded killers and the personification of evil.  The accounts they heard of Nazi atrocities were secondhand prior to the start of World War II.

Europeans on the other hand offer at the same time a more realistic and a more scathing portrayal of fascists as decadent perverts- sort of a throwback to royalists of wars past going back to the Roman Empire.  It is a less comic book, more personal caricature.

This is problematic as some portrayals (which are rooted in fact) flirt with homophobia.  In particular, how the influence of the SA under Ernst Rohm before the Night of the Long Knives is shown.  They are portrayed as homosexuals.

Luchino Visconti‘s THE DAMNED certainly shows them this way (The night before they are murdered by the SS as one big homosexual orgy) and also ties Nazis to German big business and uses that to strongly suggest German society as a whole post Treaty of Versailles was sick.  Aside from homosexuality, we are presented with incest, rape, drug abuse, child molestation.  Dirk Bogarde as Frederich Buckmann the social climber who plots to take over the Essenbeck family business is the least bad of the lot.

The tempting, devilish SS officer Aschenbach himself a distant member of the Essenbeck family initiates their downfall through a series of intrigues and conspires to have the Nazi government take over the business.  This film is overwrought maintaining high levels of decadence throughout.  It sees fascism and capitalism as kin  Not as explicit as a film like 120 DAYS IN SALOM but in every way paints a similar picture of fascists as evil corrupt perverts.

This film is part of what I call Dirk Bogarde’s “streak” by which I mean when he switched from being a cookie cutter heartthrob to making arty interesting films culminating in his masterpiece THE NIGHT PORTER....I wrote more about that here

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